Created: 2023-07-16 09:58
Status: #concept
Subject: Web Development Network Engineering System Administration
Tags: Linux Shell CLI Unix Authentication openssh Network Protocol
It is a cryptographic Network Network Protocol for operating network services securely over an unsecured network.
- see openssh to connect to a remote server and create
key pairs for authentication.
Establishing an ssh
$ ssh -v winfiru@ # verbose logs option
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?
Given a .key
Use the key as input to the ssh command via
-i <YOUR_KEY>.key
after making it have strict permissions.
chmod 600 ssh-key-2024-03-01.key
ssh ubuntu@ -i ~/ssh-key-2024-03-01.key
scp <src> <host>:<dest>
"secure copy"
- similar to rsync, we can swap the
to transfer from another host to our local machine. - it only performs a linear copy and does not incrementally track changes.
$ scp myfile.txt vbox@
$ scp vbox@ /local/directory
$ scp -r mydir vbox@ # performs a recursive copy